1,000s of procurement personnel are looking for your Veteran Owned Business Member Badge!
We have a network of 400,000 supporters and 1000s of procurement personnel, fellow business owners and consumers who use the Veteran Owned Business Directory's list of Veteran Entrepreneurs to actively search for products and services and are on the lookout for your VeteranOwnedBusiness.com Member Badge. Please take a minute right now to add one of our badges (see below) to make sure they know you are part of our network!
Please take a few minutes and help us grow VeteranOwnedBusiness.com network by sharing the Veteran Owned Business Project network with your site visitors as well as others within you company, friends, family members and fellow veterans by selecting one of our
*We receive 100s of a phone calls a week from purchasing people looking for a certain type of SDVOSB / VOB to work with. We keep a running list of members who have a badge on their website and routinely look through our list when suggestion members. So in short, please email us and let us know when you've added our badge to your site.
Instructions: Copy the code by the image or logo you want and paste it into your website's HTML. If you are using an HTML editor and/or content management system, be sure to copy and paste the code into the "Code View" and not the "Design View". Need help, email us or call us (877) VOB-List. You can also visit our instructional post by clicking here.
Use the links below to find the links best for your website.
Veteran Owned Business banners and logos >>
Veteran Supporter banners and logos >>
Text link for link pages >>
Text Link
Use the following text description to let your site's visitors know about your membership in Veteran Owned Bsuiness. Simply copy and paste the following text to your site (About Us, Home Page, Partnerships, Memberships, Organizations, etc.) or click here to view our text link for links pages code and instructions.
Once your profile is approved, we recommend linking directly to your VOB profile. Need help or have a question? Call (877) 862-5478 or email VOB and we will do what we can to help you get your badge added!
Veteran Owned Business Member - our business is a proud member of the Veteran Owned Business Project. VOB is the leading FREE network portal of over 400,000 supporters and nearly 40,000 businesses owned by military veterans (VOB), active duty military, reservists, service disabled veteran owned businesses (SDVOSB) and military spouses of the United States Army, Air Force (USAF), Marine Corps (USMC), Navy (USN), Coast Guard (USCG), Space Force (USSF) and National Guard. Join us in showing your support for our armed forces by proudly searching for products and services that are all made by, sold by or serviced by past/present members of the United States military community!
Veteran Owned Business Directory Member Badges and Logos
Use these banners, badges and logos if you are a VOB member and have a listing in the Veteran Owned Business Directory:

Veteran Owned Business Verified Proud Member Badges
Attention Veteran Owned Businesses: Here are several Veteran Owned Business badges/banners for your use. If you would like to use one of our Veteran Owned Business Verified Member Badges but are not a member, please visit the Veteran Owned Business Project and look for the red “sign up” button on the left side. Click here to view these badges.
Small Business Sponsor Member Badges
Attention VOB Small Business Sponsors: We created these special “Small Business Sponsor” Verified Member Badges (in various sizes and formats) for your use because you signed up as a Small Business Sponsor or upgraded to our Small Business Sponsorship level. Click here to view these badges.
Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOSB) Member Badges
Attention Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOSB)/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE): Here are several SDVOSB/DVBE Member badges/banners for your use. If you would like to use one of our Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Member Badges but are not a member, please visit the Veteran Owned Business Project and look for the red “sign up” button on the left side. Click here to view these badges.
Veteran Owned Business Industry Specific Member Badges
Attention: Here are several Veteran Owned Industry Specific badges/banners for your use. If you would like to use one of our Industry Specific Verified Member Badges but are not a member, please visit the Veteran Owned Business Project and look for the red “sign up” button on the right side. Click here to view these badges.
Veteran Owned Business Proud Supporter Badges
Attention Veteran Owned Business Project Supporters: Here are several “Proud Supporter” badges/banners we created specifically for you as a special “thank you” for all your support! Our members join us in thanking you for all you do to help further our grassroots movement that helps businesses owned by veterans, active duty military, reservists and military spouses. Click here to view these badges.Here are additional badges you can use
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Veteran Owned Business Project Supporter Badges and Logos
Use these banners, badges and logos to show your support for the Veteran Owned Business Project and the VOB Directory:
Text Link
Use this text description for your links page.
When adding directly to a link page instructions:
Copy the following paragraph and paste it directly on to your page (if using design view or using a content management system aka: CMS). Once your profile is approved, we recommend linking directly to your VOB profile. Need help or have a question? Call (877) 862-5478 or email VOB and we will do what we can to help you get your badge added!
Veteran Owned Business Member - our business is a proud member of the Veteran Owned Business Project. VOB is the leading FREE network portal of over 400,000 supporters and 33,000 businesses owned by military veterans (VOB), active duty military, reservists, service disabled veteran owned businesses (SDVOSB) and military spouses of the United States Army, Air Force (USAF), Marines (USMC), Navy (USN), Coast Guard (USCG) and National Guard. Join us in showing your support for our armed forces by proudly searching for products and services that are all made by, sold by or serviced by past/present members of the United States military community!
When adding to your site's code instructions:
Hit "Get Code" below and paste it directly into your site's/page's code (code view)