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Living Skylines

Business Address:
354 E. 8th St. #4F
New York, NY 10009
New York County
Business Contact:
Nicholas Frandsen
Contact Living Skylines

Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Separated | Member since December 4th, 2012

Living Skylines is a small construction company focusing on eco-friendly projects.

Areas of concentration include rooftop gardens, white roof coating, rainwater recycling systems, and stonework.

Specific issues we are addressing include: rainwater runoff reduction, urban heat island effect mitigation, environmental education, and air quality improvement, with the overarching goal of community building.

Please mention you proudly found Living Skylines on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

The Marines taught me that there is no excuse for a job poorly done. Half-measures are just a job half finished. However, it also taught me that passion is the spark of all action. Without passion for other areas of life, veterans can often feel directionless. After getting out, I knew that I had to follow something I believed in--a paycheck is not the kind of compensation veterans crave. It was with that in mind that I dove headfirst into environmental protection and 'green' construction.

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