Leatherneck General Contractors LLC
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Separated | Member since March 13th, 2013
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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
In the military, mission accomplishment becomes a part of your life. We here at Leatherneck General Contractors LLC have made that one of the core values of our business. In the civilian world we call these missions projects, and seeing these projects through to the end, just like missions, is something I strongly accredited to my time served as a non-commissioned officer in the United States Marines Corps. I guarantee our projects will be done right the first time, every time. I back that by a two year guarantee on all of our work. Commitment to duty, integrity and mission accomplishment are the fundamentals engrained into every individual that has served their country. These same fundamentals are what it takes to run a successful company and provide the service our customers deserve.
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