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Firewalkers Pyro

Business Address:
6126 West State Street
Suite 104
Boise, ID 83703
Ada County

Business Contact:
Richard Myers
Contact Firewalkers Pyro

Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Retired | Member since November 30th, 2014
Business claims to be listed on GSA

Firewalkers Pyro creates stunning air show pyrotechnics. We use explosives & gasoline to make special effects that gives your fans the feeling that the airplanes are dropping bombs,shooting rockets and strafing runs.

Our signature shot is a 1000 ft Wall of Fire. It's impressive, the crowd will the love the fireball and feel the heat. We are part of "Tinstyx of Dynamite" the airshows hottest act. Two aerobatic airplanes, a 375 MPH jet truck and of course, PYRO!!!

Remember "An airshow without PYRO is just another fly-in"

Please mention you proudly found Firewalkers Pyro on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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