Renaissance Family Medicine of Wellesley
Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Separated | Member since November 1st, 2015
Dr. Burns sees all of his patients personally and is able to take the time to explain your diagnoses and treatment plan. As an Active Duty USAF physician, he served at both Travis AFB in California and Hanscom AFB in Mass.
Please mention you proudly found Renaissance Family Medicine of Wellesley on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
My seven years active duty as an officer in the USA remains critical to my continuing everyday efforts as an entrepreneur. Customer service is based on respect and a willingness to go above and beyond for a satisfactory result. Leadership skills used in my clinic were honed from keen mentoring and classroom seminars on Leadership that are essential to management but often are lacking in medical careers. My military service also encouraged and initiated my passion for humanitarian mission work
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