MENdleton Foundation
Non-Profit Organization | Member since December 4th, 2015
MENdleton started life as a Facebook group designed to build camaraderie and give Camp Pendleton Marines and Sailors a way to exchange extra gear. One evening, though, a Marine, in a dark place and with nowhere else to turn, reached out for support. Within the hour, dozens had offered him the helping hand he needed. Since that fateful evening, our membership has grown tenfold, but one thing has remained the same; Brotherhood.
MENdleton has been, and will remain, a place for Service members to help Service members. MENdleton is comprised of active duty service members and veterans of all branches in two separate functions; a private members only online forum, and our public nonprofit foundation.
The MENdleton Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) charity which enables us to use generous donations to help us connect veterans, host events, and set up outings as a means to help raise awareness of the suicide epidemic that is plaguing our beloved military.
The MENdleton Foundation is on a mission to drop the suicide rate of our veterans to zero, because even one life taken from this world to soon is one too many.
Please mention you proudly found MENdleton Foundation on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
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