The Birthday Company
Veteran Owned Business | Army, Retired | Member since August 24th, 2010
Choose from several price categories for your "A, B, C, & D" clients. You can have us mail a birthday card for just $2.95 or choose to include a gift like chocolates, cookies, candy, music CDS, and Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Restaurant and Movie Theater gift cards from $5.95 to $55.95.
There are NO contracts or service fees. Use the service as long as it meets your needs and cancel any time.
Best of all, your return address is displayed on the mailing label and your signature and company logo are printed on the birthday card, giving clients the impression you signed and mailed it yourself.
The Birthday Company also carries Christmas, Thanksgiving, Thank You, Anniversary, Get Well, Congratulations and Sympathy cards.
Please mention you proudly found The Birthday Company on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
Through serving in the U.S. Army as a Military Policeman and then a Military Police Investigator (MPI), I learned the value of honesty and integrity. The MP's creed is "To Protect and Serve". This short but powerful phrase along with the basic values on honesty and integrity have translated into a business in which we're able to help financial advisors, doctors, realtors, & most professionals with their marketing campaigns by serving them with honesty, respect and integrity.
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The Birthday Company - Tagline/Slogan:
Never Miss Another Birthday!
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